Well, a while back I wrote a blog about "Creepy".... the Scorpion I was taking care of. Creepy gave me a severe case of the jitters, however he also had me finding courage I didn't know I had. One would have thought Creepy was a Lion or something the way he got to me.
Creepy has found a way into my work area as well - now mind you, this is a fake creepy, that now sits perched on my computer. Creepys story had him rise to super stardom in sense. As scary as he was, thinking back I have to laugh.
Last nite Creepys owner told me that Creepy died. Poor Creepy. I actually found myself feeling sorry for a Scorpion! A Scorpion that had caused me to hyper-ventilate and become a jumpy little Chihuahua. Now Creepy was gone. Creepy got a burial - yes a burial for a scorpion, and Creepy also served a purpose for young minds in Science. He was dissected (eeeeeeeu), then he was he buried. A Scorpion placed above his burial site made out of rocks (by his high school caretakers).
Well Creepy was definitely creepy and it was interesting to find he had gotten under my skin with his shenanigans he pulled while I cared for him.
Well Creepy, where ever it is bugs may go, you can creep them out there.
Creepy Crawlers to my family and friends,