Ever notice how Moms know how to say and do the right thing. Moms even have a magical insight (so it seems) into saving money, cutting corners, and stretching a dollar into say five! Now, being a Mom I don't claim to possess these abilities or insights, however my Mom knew the secret. I, you might say, am a Mom in training.
After Mom passed my sibling discovered Mom had written down some websites (money saving websites) on a piece of paper next to her chair. I'm thankful one of my siblings passed that information on. I've held onto them, doing nothing, up until today. Wow! Why did I wait? Perhaps I just needed time before checking these sites out, however, after checking them out today I stand to save $7.30 on grocery items I normally buy. Coupons, oh yes coupons, they are money savers. All it takes is time to print and clip them.... I mean come on, how difficult is that? ("KA" if you're reading this I know you are the Coupon Commando.... I challenge thee... smiles!).
As I sit here looking at my treasure of coupons I think to myself.... "you know, Moms really do know how to save money, cut corners and more importantly s t r e a t c h that dollar. So Mom, thanks! Even though I know you know I finally checked the websites out.
To my family and friends, happy coupon clipping and now the question is "what to do with all that money" one will save!