Saturday, March 29, 2008

Springbreak Mania

What is it about Spring Break that drives millions of folks to take to the hwys and byways to various adventerous locations? Is it that feeling of "Ahhhhh... Spring is in the air, let's go" OR is it "Let's do it now before Summer scorches us"? Could be either, could be neither, and it could just be... well, that it simply is what it is.

Well, I'm one of those that like to venture on Spring Break. A time to be with loved ones and family on a road trip to Disneyland, to Mideivel Times Castles, or perhaps a Pirates Adventure. Now this is just a few of the many amusement parks that California has to offer. For me, it's a time to suck it up (or try at least - lol), and to pretend I'm 21 again and able to ride the rides that flip and swirl your body into positions it probably should never be in. Hey... it's the thrill, the adrelanine, the ah..... what am I thinking... it's just plain crazy! But, what the heck.

I have to say part of the venture made me feel young again, and part of it made me feel, well my age. Standing in line with 20-something year olds (probably mid 20's), looking at the couples hand in hand, smiling into each other's eyes, and thinking..... "My God they are only 15!". Oh no.... I'm old, they are not 15, they are 23, 24, 25... and I have to ask myself... "What were you doing my dear at that age"? I won't answer that but those that know me and my 20-something years... try not to laugh too hard or loud. So I start to look at the 40-something and 50-something women that are trying despartely to be 20-something. Low tops, too short of shorts, and come on... no matter how well you care for your body, some things at 50-something should not be hanging out there. Mile long cleavage and bellys that should be kept covered. I had a revelation, and it was like a zoom in of a movie..... "OMG...... I'm turning into my Mother! OMG... someone help me! How could this be?" You know though, after I stopped hyper-ventilating at the thought of becoming Mom, I really had to smile, my Mom's really really cool!

I realized that these past few days that my child is growing up.... FAST! To see one's child go on rollercoasters that I, well thought of going on (I mean I had to protect my child on the ride, I HAD to go)... but when I got up close, said ah... no... let's not, but those little eyes said, "come on Mom, I'm not a baby anymore"... So I took a deep breath, prayed 10 Hail Mary's, 1,000 Our Fathers, prayed to Saint Peter, Saint Micheal, Saint Anthony, and many more Saints I made up... I watched my child slowly get in line and go on, what I felt was a "Death Machine" (well, come on - at 40-something that's what they look like). I found out my child survived, and loved it so much went back on again! How could this be, I couldn't possibly hold my breath for another round of that ride. But I did, oh with the grace of all the patron Saints I prayed to that moment. Mom & Dad would be proud at the number of impromptu prayers I was able to come up with (some very eloquent - at least in my minds eye).

Well, we made it through the mazes, the ups and the downs, the water rides and dry rides... not to mention the Churros, the Pink Cotton Candy, and the indulgent dinners we had while out on our venture. So for today, I sit and reflect, on a past few days (that flew by oh so quickly), but will remain in my heart forever. And... I have to say, I'm amazed that I can hold my breath for as long as I can while waiting for that familiar face to get off the ride,... it really is a FUN ride afterall, I suppose it's all a matter of age and one's perspective.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Right....... Right.......

Okay, I have to admit I was laughing out loud when I titled this post "Right........ Right........". Only a few of you know the TRUE meaning of "Right..........Right......." and where it originated from. Hi "K"! Hi "M"! I'm sure "K" has shared with "M" and I may have shared with "M" myself.... but you know... I'm feeling a bit goofy today and seeing "K's" comment made me smile and I thought of "right, right..." and that day way back in '97 or '98 (somewhere around that timeframe - I've lost track)

Oh what an interesting time that was for me........ feeling good, feeling good about myself, my life, where I was going and then I get this "right, right" coming at me..... I'd like to think that was a test of temptation (from the dark side), but to me it was more of a shocker than anything... knocked me right over that day ('member that "K"?). I digress. Another post, another time, perhaps another lifetime.

Today is Monday, here I am posting at 8:12 a.m. - Yes, no work today. NO punching the clock, taking breaks, and meal-periods, total freedom to choose what I'd like to do today. Which made me think, honestly, what it would feel like to be retired. To do things that matter to one, to be involved in things that matter to ones self. Ah..... for a moment I fantasized... for a moment. Then SNAP, back to reality, you get a week 'hon, just a week. I'll take it! So what's on the agenda? Oh...... I plan to venture out into the land of RETAIL. I know I'll hear laughter, for those of you that know I'd rather do my shopping online then at a RETAIL store. Perhaps in age I am becoming more venturesome ... but it is probably more I'm becoming more relaxed and looking at the whole outing as a venture in and of itself. NOT to mention I'll have great company with me! Okay, okay, honestly... I've outgrown my jeans.. the one pair I have (ROFLOL)

So..... not much of a post today, no deep thoughts, except for the funny thought of "Right... Right".... which only a few will ever know about. And you know, I have to say I shouldn't laugh at that, but every now and then I do.... because what fun is life if we can't laugh at ourself and the situations we come across.

Until the next post - have a great day, smile lots, and laugh often!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Blessings

Easter Blessings to all who may read my Blog today. Easter... a time of renewed Faith. Easter... a time for you to rise above what may be holding you down, holding you back (from happiness, from health, from life).... yes, you can do it. No matter how difficult it may seem, now is the time to take that leap of Faith. To trust in HIM.

As humans we always want to know "what, how, and when". But with Faith one needs only know the "What" ( and sometimes we don't know that, but hey it's okay) and then TRUST in HIM that he will show you the How and When (of course this is in his time). Back in 2003 I took a leap of Faith, I trusted HIM, I trusted Family, and here I am today - happy, in a healthy place, and yes able to care for one's self. Back then I just knew it was impossible. I mean I thought how can I? I mean I only can this or can that. I only wish I had trusted him sooner. But that's okay, important thing is I trusted and as scary as it was not knowing the how or when it would seem okay again... I knew WHAT I had to do. Gods grace and the blessing of my child gave me the courage to forge ahead... ahead to the unknown.... but to something better.

FAMILY - oh the Blessing of family. God blessed me with family to help me, to gently be there, and for a place of refuge. However, the safest refuge was knowing that GOD would not let me down, if I were to believe, if I were to trust, and if I were to do my best to follow his teachings. I know God has much work to do with me yet, and that's okay.... the many Blessings that come with the pruning and shearing of one's life may be painful or difficult but in the end... HE will never let you down and if one listens He will guide you. Family will be there, God will be there. So during this Easter Time of new beginnings, and for many renewed Faith - I pray for those that have struggles, and worries, or hardships in relationships (with family, friends, wifes, husbands, etc) - that HE will help them see what they need to do, where they need to be even if that means starting anew. God is good, and his grace will always be by your side.

I have much pruning and shearing for ones self in this lifetime. My prayer and thought for today is that we all accept and be true to one's self -- even if that acceptance means not knowing the outcome -- I truly believe God will guide one there.

Happy Easter to my wonderful Family and my Friends. Without you, without Gods guiding grace, life would seem senseless and lost.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Take II - Planes, Trains and Automobiles... but what about Love?

Okay, so I didn't quite write last night. That's okay, really, my mind was pretty much turned off by the end of the day. Much of my energy shared with the various folks that I'm so blessed to have contact with each day (That's another story in and of itself... lucky am I).

Planes, Trains and Automobiles... it's basically how we get from point A to point B (mind you I exculed skateboards, scooters, motorcycles, go carts,.... you get my point). What got me on this train of though (no pun intended here) was a song I heard on the radio by Brad Paisley... something about if Love were a Plane, no one would get on. I thought, hmm.... why not? I mean the Plane, or the Train, or the Automobile usually take you someplace exciting right? Someplace one wants to venture to, to explore, to relax, to unwind, etc etc. So why wouldn't you hop on a plane if "Love were a plane". Good question! Well, needless to say the song caught my attention.

Imagine this on your next flight. "Good afternoon, and welcome to the Love Plane. We expect that over the next 4 hours we'll encounter some form of turbelence, a drop in altitute for no given reason, and it's possible that we are going down. There's a 6 in 10 chance we won't make our destination!" OMG! So, come on, get on this plane? With a greeting like that? I think not.... but wait... we have Love.... can't we conquer the turblenece, the changes in altitude, and heaven forbid we go down! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... with that thought in mind I must "sign off" for now, and continue my ramblings later (yeah, yeah, work is calling and I find myself wanting to get my thoughts out early and then I run out of time.... and no, I won't be getting up at 4am to blog - but it's a thought). I'll finish my thoughts after my duties of work. We'll get those thoughts out then.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles... but what about Love?

For me this will be an interesting post, however, I don't have the time right now... so this evening I'll post. For this morning I get the pleasure of a "commute" - something I haven't had to do in almost 6 months... so this morning it doesn't surprise me (given the inpending commute), that my Blog Title is Planes, Trains and Automobiles... but what about love? Have to run, no time to write, or play, or just be when the hwys and byways are a calling..... later...... I write

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Have you Read?

Okay, so I'm a bit of a techno-geek when it comes to reading news, etc. I am here parked at my computer each morning and evening "reading" the news, soaking it in, what's going on here, or there, or who did what to whom. Most recently however I came across Oprah Winfrey's site and found the last couple of days writings enlightening.

Yesterday was "Tune in to Tune out"... and today "Find Happiness". I have to admit I did not read either column word for word, but the ideas put out there in both articles really has me thinking. Tune in to yourself and nature to tune out all the chaos our world has.... Find out what makes you happy, have a joy buddy! What a novel concept! It sounds so simple. It's like eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and stay active. 3 simple things yet so very difficult for one to achieve. So where have we gone wrong where it seems to me many have lost sight of the simple pleasures of life.

Pehaps today and every day we can start our day by counting our blessings. Having more tolerence for the less fortunate (for we can't possibly know all of their struggles or demons they are fighting).... perhaps we can smile more... and when we catch ourselves frowning undo that frown quickly - like right now immediately. Perhaps we can lend a hand before being asked. Perhaps we'll be kinder and gentler to ones self... we don't have to be super heroes to everyone - we need to be true to ourself and those that are our family (whatever your defined family may be)... I guess, through my ramblings what I am saying is to be ever thankful for the moment, for those in your life, be kind to yourself (no super heroes here), and if anything else read the past 2 articles at - I found them enlightening and something that just might make this world a better place.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thinking...... it'll come

Tune back in later today, as my thinker is a bit sluggish this morning. I promise to write later, as I recall a gentleman friend, a brilliant published writer, who shared with me that one must write each day - just 20 minutes a day (to start) to get the creative side flowing. Thank you "M" - whatever I may continue to write later.... today is to you!

Well, here I am .... still feeling that writer's block. Oh "M" would say... Just write Barnery, Just write. However, I know when I'm feeling totally blocked and right now is one of those times. Tomorrow is yet another day, another day for inspirations and thoughts to ponder, so for today I say farewell, and happy trails until tomorrow.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Lifes Transformations

I remember the day as if it were yesterday, July 26, 2003. Although it wasn't Spring, it was indeed a time of transformation, like the Seasons, a time to reflect, a time of realization.... a time to prune, a time to grow, a time to trust, a time to have Faith.

What came to me that day, July 26, 2003, were words that came to me simply as I put pen to paper. Oh for those of you that write you know what I mean when I say it's a powerful thing to put pen to paper and let your creative self just flow, no rules, no guidelines... just let it go.

This morning I was thinking (something I do often)... thinking we are merely days away from Spring, and as quickly as that thought came this paticular writing flashed in to my mind as if it were a movie close-up. One can interpret that the below writing is about the different seasons mother nature shows us, however, when the writing came to me it was more about the transformation of self.


Time is passing by so quickly
A warp between time
The heart of summer is upon us
Melting what's cold, warming the senses
Fall is knocking on the door
A time when nature's in transition, showing off her beauty
All in God's Glory

So with this thought this day I leave you with a thought to ponder... a thought about life. Think of a garden - how it's tended, cared for. The trees the bushes the shubery are constantly pruned and cared for. Each year they continue to grow and transform beautifully, even more so than the year past. How magnificently wonderful would that be if we all were to treat ourselves and each other in this way.

Oh don't be afraid to shine, to prune yourself where you need pruning, and to grow in Faith and self more than the year before. You may just find that your inner self is bursting with color... if only given the chance.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spiritual Helpers

Ever wonder about a power more powerful than one's self? Than mother nature? Than our universe as we know it? Perhaps you have, pehaps you haven't, but I believe it's there. I believe in God, and spiritual helpers, and that it's through our spiritual helpers (call them an Ultimate Guide.... Oh how the travel agencies would love to use this) as well as our Faith, that we are guided here in our earthly forms as well as our afterlife with Him. Wow! Let me sit and soak that in. That's really BIG when you think about it.

So, you ask, how does it work? Is it something you tune in on your iPod, or IPhone, or DVD, record by DVR, or is it a mysterious blessing you get at church, perhaps something you earn? What is, or better yet, what are spiritual helpers. Can you order it as a dessert, or does it only come with Sunday brunch. Hmmmmmmmm..... so what are spiritual helpers.

Well, I suppose we all have an interpretation to that question- and some will just say.... okay, you've finally flown over the cuckos nest with this one Barney, but still one must ponder.

First, let's take the definition of "spiritual". I decided to google "define spiritual". This is what was returned.

* religious: concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; "religious texts"; "a member of a religious order"; "lords temporal and ...
* concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul; "a spiritual approach to life"; "spiritual fulfillment"; "spiritual values"; "unearthly love"
*lacking material body or form or substance; "spiritual beings"; "the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm"-Lewis Mumford
*apparitional: resembling or characteristic of a phantom; "a ghostly face at the window"; "a phantasmal presence in the room"; "spectral emanations"; "spiritual tappings at a seance"

Well, this is pretty clear, right? I would like to think that spiritual helpers are those transcendental souls that belong to the spiritual realm. They are ever present I believe, if one is open to receive. Now, don't get me wrong, you can't just turn a switch on and say "okay spirit helpers" can you this or that or guide me through this or that. Remember this is something GREATER than ourselves, than our human form. One must be in touch with nature, with one's inner self, with God, and OPEN to the senses outside of what we commonly know as our six senses.

In essense, and forgive me for my ramblings, spiritual helpers are there, guiding us, talking to us, providing subtle clues and direction for us, so that we may in turn become spiritual even within our human form.

So I ask you, the next time you feel that little nudge or that "gut feeling", you may indeed be tuning in to your spiritual helper.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Okay, deep breath, I'm not that technical to those of you that I said "Hey visit my Blog"... and if you went there it was gone. Call it a Technical Difficulty - one I'd like to say was the computer, but alas I cannot tell a lie... user error! Yikes, did I say that? User Error. Well you know Barney is new to all of this. I digress...

This morning I awoke with a very "grumpy" person (that person being myself).... call it lack of good sleep, not enough Jo, Java, coffee etc in my system yet, yada, yada, yada.... However.... I could not get the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by musician Bobby McFerrin out of my head. Ever heard of that song? I'm sure you have. So I thought, you know, life is good. Immediately something came to mind that one of my siblings shared with me just yesterday (intuitive and incredibly on time this one is). "If you find yourself worrying about someone or something just say a prayer!". How incredibly easy is that? I'd like to think that we all know the power of prayer, and for any non-believers I pray for you too. I must conclude that saying a prayer is the best approach. For "worriers" (unlike myself, yeah right - no jabs here from others), just say a little prayer. That person, or situation receives the blessing of that prayer from something greater and more powerful then ourself. And guess what!? The "worrier" (you know what's in it for me - sorry could not resist Corporate brainwash through the years), anyhow, the "worrier" gets the benefit of saying that prayer and knowing that person or situation is receiving.

In short, I think that "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is really saying "say a prayer"... let it go, release it, and you'll realize that "hey, life is Good"