On this day 2001 2,752 people lost their lives. Like a ripple in the water the effects astounded the Nation, the world. That day I sat in horror as the first news reel ran of the event. In a heap I fell in my living room floor - I wept. Today I pray in silence for the 2,752 people, their family and friends effected for a lifetime. Today I cry silently for the children whose parents where never to come home. Today I pray for the men and women who continue to fight for the freedom on this great Nation. 2001 seems like yesterday, though it was not, the pain forever felt by this Nation.
From this pain came goodness I believe, even amidst the tradgedy. A Nation pulled together, neighbors spoke to each other for the first time. Bibles were opened, and read, some of them had to be dusted (shamefully mine was one of them). Families and communities came closer, closer than ever before. I want to believe that as a result more families spend time together around the dinner table, even the breakfast table, we learn to slow down and appreciate life.
A world that moves so fast stood still this day in 2001. A world that moves so fast cannot forget, we must slow down and learn, move forward with simplicity of thought and move forward with the Love bestowed upon us from our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him all things are possible, I believe.
Those 2,752 people whose lives were lost must not have been lost in vain. We remain, to make a difference, to stand up, to proclaim our Faith, and to move forward in Love for ourselves, our families, our God, and our Nation. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be within you this day and every day forward.
Blessings to you my family and friends this day.
Barney (aka Patty)