Saturday, August 22, 2009

The "Glove"

No, no, no... I'm not talking about Michael Jackson's infamous gloved hand. I'm talking utilitarian here. Protective gloves, mainly garden gloves. Oh how many times have I gone into my garden without the gloves. It feels so good to till the earth, to feel the plants, until................. something happens and you wish you had worn the gloves.

This morning, I decided bright and early 6:30 am, that I would go out and clip the 25 rose bushes, pull weeds, and rake up those leaves. Love the big tree but it sure drops alot of leaves all around the place and between every nook and cranny of the rose bushes. So... the plan in place, clipping the roses, looks great. Pulled some weeds... looking better, raking up the leaves, I can see it all coming together... then it happened! Oh my, it happened so quick and so painfully that it spun my head.... raking the leaves vigorously between the rose bushes and one of the thorns impales and lashes down my index finger.

Oh I see stars. My heart is racing, that hurt soooo bad my mind is reeling. I look down and well... blood is dripping everywhere, even got on my shirt. Can't be good I think. I don't look at my finger but run into the house to the kitchen sink. Blood flows. Oh boy my mind says "should have worn the gloves!".... too late now I shout back! I look at gash on my finger and it's "talking". Open close open close open close... oh dear.

Well off to the Emergency Department (thanks "K" for driving me... since I was starting to feel light headed). Once I got there I settled down a bit.

I thought the initial rose-thorn gash hurt..... oh boy, the 4 shots to numb my finger so the Doctor could clean (yes stuff got into the wound and she even pulled out part of a thorn way down in there... geez! ) After a thorough cleaning and 3 stitches later, which caused me to come close to passing out (yeah call me a wimp - you can), I was patched up and good to go. Antibiotics for 7 days 4-times a day... which comes with a warning... May cause dizziness or headaches. LOL.......... please...... really!?

The moral of this story - WEAR YOUR GARDEN GLOVES - even the most beautiful rose bush can sure pack a powerful punch if one ventures too close!