Sunday, August 2, 2009

Doing the Happy Dance

Greetings everyone in Virtual Land. My question for today is what is "The Happy Dance?".

Is the Happy Dance for good things? For winning a game, a lottery, or some other token? For getting that new car? That new house? The boy? The girl? What is "The Happy Dance" and when is it done? Hmmmm....... or is it just for certain people and certain times?

I'd like to say I "Happy Dance" when...

* I think of Family & Friends

* The very early 'morn

* Counting ones Blessings

* My child(ren) smile at new wonders

* Something is denied, ... only later to realize it's for the best

I would probably bore some of you reading this post if I continued on, and I could probably do that at length and at nauseum (did I spell that right?), so I won't. But back to the original question... What is "The Happy Dance"?

I'd have to answer that this way.

When one's heart shines inside filling your being with a warm glow of love and life... that warmth and love explodes into the purest form.... creating "The Happy Dance!"