Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mother Nature

We've certainly experienced some dynamic beautiful weather this past week. The wind, rain, and even snow has changed the artistry of mother nature's canvas. This morning the sun has appeared and shines gloriously onto the earth. Warming things up, breathing warmth into our souls. Shining, like a spotlight on the ever changing scenery around us. Stop, look, soak it in.

This day I'm going to slow down, take a walk in nature, listen to her music, it's really all around. Going to escape the city sounds, and get close to nature, to God. I have found that when I calm myself, empty my mind of 'to do' lists, and the feeling of having to fill all my time with 'something' is when I experience the most joy.

Today, I am going to 'simply just be'. Try it sometime, I truly don't feel one would be disappointed. Perhaps one may even find themself a bit enlightened.

Blessings to you may family and friends this day.

Barney (aka Patty)

Friday, January 22, 2010

10 minute challenge

Just how long is 10 minutes? Perhaps the time it takes to blow-dry ones hair, or the time to take a shower, make a quick breakfast. 10 minutes can fit in alot when you think about it. 10 minute break at work to get a cup of coffee/water perhaps? 10 minutes to drop the kids off at school? When you think about it one can do quit a bit in 10 minutes. Which brings me to this question.

What 10 minute activity do you do daily for yourself? I'm talking about something that moves the body. Walk? Run? Weights? Sit ups? Perhaps you're one of the millions that say I just don't have time. I know I'm amongst that group. HOWEVER, this weeks challenge is to fit in 10 minutes of walking daily.

How? Walk 5 minutes one direction, and 5 minutes back. There you have it your 10 minute workout. Weathers bad? March in place at home for 10 minutes. March in place as you make dinner. Lift weights, there's Pilate's, Yoga, Dancing, Walking... and we're talking 10 minutes only.

Think of all the 10 minute activities you do daily and then erase that thought of "I just don't have time".... quite frankly we all have time. We can start today with 10 minutes. I challenge myself and I challenge my family and friends to make time for "you". I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Blessings to you my family and friends this day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

One step at a time....

Finally, finally finally! I did it! I hit my first 5-lb loss, after the past year of ups and downs, I did it. Yes, I did say past year. This past year has been a whirlwind of emotions for me, a whirlwind of sorrow and heart-aches. The kind of heart-aches that knocks you to your knees and literally sucks the very breath out of you.... as if your body has collapsed inward.

Oh joy though.... tonight I did it. I almost jumped for joy, and when given my first 5-lb marker it was all I could do not to cry as my mind quickly rewound the past year. Thankfully, with the love and support of my sweetie and my younger sister I've been able to keep to an even keel and not give in to "the beast". The "beast" of emotional eating for comfort. Perseverance, love, and gentle forgiveness has kept me going and got me this far. 5-lbs, a small goal, seems like the weight of the world has been lifted off.

Thank you Sweetie and thank you "M" for believing in me and keeping me focused on what is important and that it can be done... you only have to believe in yourself.

Great big hugs to all who continue to support me. Wow! I really did it! Now I can only step forward to healthier and happier times.... with less of me that I will over time, leave behind.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Track... first thing that comes to mind is the sport of Track and Field.

In Track and Field you certainly have movement, some very precise; take the hurdles or pole vault. You would not want to be "off track" in those events or you could go splat! That would not be fun, although I'm sure when one first started there were moments where things weren't on track.... however.... you learned from it and moved on. The movement and energy of Track and Field is near and dear to my heart.

Now I'm faced with another form of Track. Tracking my health, tracking my food intake, tracking my energy output, and working on finding the combination that will ultimately bring me to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Sound exciting? Well yes! To me it is exciting, however I'm not as intimately familiar with this from of "track" as I am with "track and field". I'm learning though, and learning is the key word here.

I received this quote today and it fits so perfectly with my thoughts on this blog today...

"It's not how often you get off track that impacts your life. It's how fast you notice you are off track and what you learn that determines where you end up". Marshall Sylver

That quote in and of itself sums it all up for me. It's how fast you notice you are off track and what you learn.

This day I woke knowing I'd do something for myself and my family. Something that enlightens us and gets us moving. For me that is taking a nice hike amongst our foothills. The views are spectacular, the scenery keeps one engaged to where one hardly notices the distance one's traveled. Spectacular views tied in with movement (exercise). An inviting combination for this writer.

As I venture the hills today I know my mind and body will be energized with new ideas for my next blog. Nature has a way of bringing out the creative side in me; I'd call that a plus.

To my readers this day - ENJOY your day. Find what makes you happy, live what makes you happy, smile more, move more, love more.

Blessings to you my family and friends this day.

Barney (aka Patty)

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Friday - Yes!

There's something about Friday that sets the mind in an "ahhhhhhh" place.

Ahhh to the satisfaction of week past, and a welcoming ahhhh to the weekend. A time for self, a time for family, and fun. You can sleep in, sleep out, or not sleep at all - it just is because it's Friday. Whatever you chose, because it's Friday.

Fridays often times are an enjoyable evening out, as I did tonight. Enjoyed a nice cold beer in an even colder and icy mug. The taste was smooth and went perfectly with a sizzling plate of fajitas. The company was even better, filled with wonderful conversation about the day and life.

A nice way to wrap up a work-week. I sit her now and ponder about tomorrow, will I sleep in, sleep out, or simply stay up all night and move right into the next. Hmmmmmm you never know. What I do know is that it's time for this writer to sign off as there's much too much Friday left to be clicking the keyboard.

Ahhhhh..... yes, it's Friday!


Isn't it mostly true that we "take time" for the things that are important. My challenge and question to you and myself is.... "Aren't YOU important?".

Take time for "you" TODAY!

Blessings to you my family and friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A New Journey

Have you ever set out on a journey? I have, and there's been many different journeys. Some journeys are very well planned out - like a vacation. You have an itinerary, know the costs, know whom you're going with, when you're going, when you're coming back - nicely laid out plans. Ahh......... and you're set... off you go to have fun.

Why is it, I ask, that some journeys are more difficult than planning a vacation? I've been on a weight loss journey for the past 6 months. A literal roller coaster.... started out great, had a plan, was losing the pounds, and then wham!! An emotional setback hit in March that set me into a tailspin of emotional eating... at times I still struggle. Yeah, you see I'm like a million other folks that are emotional eaters... emotions set folks like us into non-stop, non-conscious eating. And dare I say, not the best or healthiest of choices.

We eat when we're angry, sad, bored, and the reality of it is our emotions turn to food for comfort! Not a good or healthy combination, but hey, I know it's there and believe you me I'm working on "taming that beast". One can "choose", and believe it or not "have power" over food. What a concept, huh?

Let's change the mind frame - Food becomes fuel, becomes energy... vs. comfort. Food no longer is comfort for angry feelings, sad feelings, boredom, or even loneliness. Food simply is food.. a fuel to nourish and power the body. As I type this I am convincing and re-programming my mind to believe... the goal here (the journey) is a shift of mindset to healthy eating that becomes second nature; A permanent way of life. My journey and goal is to say goodbye to "the beast" of emotional eating. I do have a "choice" and "power" over it.

Join me as I start my weight loss journey. An adventure into self discovery really. I suspect that not only will I change to healthy eating habits but I might just find I do a bit of housecleaning in all aspects of my life.

Now, how to get this all planned out carefully.... I suspect I will take the approach of a well planned vacation. It takes planning, a desire to get to your destination, and more important to have fun!

So...... here we go..... the journey has begun.