Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ever wonder? 
Do you ever wonder the "whys" to life?  Do you ever wonder about the "hows" in life?  Do you ever wonder the "whats" to life?  Why am I here, how do I live the life my creator planned for me, and what is it I am supposed to be doing? 

Although we were given "free will", this writer believes that God ultimately has a plan laid out for us.  Sometimes we get side-tracked, off-track, or on the wrong-track; and that is okay, even those times are all part of the "why" for us.  Each interaction, each breath, each moment all part of a bigger picture for humanity; for those that we encounter and for ourselves. 

How would our lives change if we were to see the blueprint laid out for us? Would we be where we are today?  Would things have been different?  Perhaps yes, perhaps no.  If we were given that glimpse, we might change things and that change would change things for others as well. 

I believe at the end of our days we'll see that blueprint and any unanswered questions; our whys, our pains, our grief, will be perfectly laid out for the bigger picture and we'll see the good that came out of each moment.  Whether that moment was happy, sad, painful, or something else; we'll finally have the answers to all our unanswered questions, and we'll say "I get it all now" .... and we will smile.  That one thought is what keeps this writer plugging along on this journey called life.

~Barney Beagle (aka Patty)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

2018 - It's time to blog again.

This writer has been on the sideline for too long. 

More to come.