Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Survival - to live, to flourish, to make it. Whatever definition comes to mind, or is written, I had one of my own pop into my head yesterday during dinner. It's below.

G oing the distance
O n Faith
D aily

It stands out clearly, is the path, and the way... to survival, eternal love and His glory.

Blessings to you my family and friends.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, Monday

Here we are Monday, not even Sunday, supposed to be a fun day?

Days go by like seconds
Months go by like minutes
The year is going by like a days

What does it all mean? Feeling upside down, not centered, direction unclear. I wish Mom where here so I could talk to her. She had the greatest insight and understanding and could ease just about anything that ailed a person, make one feel grounded, safe, secure. I fumble through some days now, never doing or saying the right things it seems.... in life. Work is okay, I seem to be okay at work, but at home...... sigh. Guess that is when one has time to think, to ponder about life, to ponder what one is or isn't doing in one's life. I suppose that's the greatest mystery of life. Never knowing. Hmmmmmm

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank you Marshall

Marshall Sylver is an amazing gentleman. Sometimes the least amount of words said or expressed can be the most profound. Gives one something to think about. Motivates one to "act", release the "one day I'll...." mode. So Mr. Sylver, today moving forward I will do more "act" vs. "one day" mode of thinking and/or way of life.

Here's to your intriguing quote/saying for the day

"Not choosing one thing is choosing the other by default" - Marshall Sylver

Question I put out there to cyber space - will you act? Or will you go into the mode of default to your needs and/or desires? Something indeed to ponder this day.

Much love to you my family and friends.
Barney (aka Patty)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Keys

Keys to a new house
Close at hand
A new start
A new life
Round the bend

My thoughts they are focused
On what one desires
To visualize this place
Every day, every hour

Keys in hand
Ah yes you are near
Home sweet home
For my family, Our home