Monday, August 31, 2009

Rest in Peace Creepy

Well, a while back I wrote a blog about "Creepy".... the Scorpion I was taking care of. Creepy gave me a severe case of the jitters, however he also had me finding courage I didn't know I had. One would have thought Creepy was a Lion or something the way he got to me.

Creepy has found a way into my work area as well - now mind you, this is a fake creepy, that now sits perched on my computer. Creepys story had him rise to super stardom in sense. As scary as he was, thinking back I have to laugh.

Last nite Creepys owner told me that Creepy died. Poor Creepy. I actually found myself feeling sorry for a Scorpion! A Scorpion that had caused me to hyper-ventilate and become a jumpy little Chihuahua. Now Creepy was gone. Creepy got a burial - yes a burial for a scorpion, and Creepy also served a purpose for young minds in Science. He was dissected (eeeeeeeu), then he was he buried. A Scorpion placed above his burial site made out of rocks (by his high school caretakers).

Well Creepy was definitely creepy and it was interesting to find he had gotten under my skin with his shenanigans he pulled while I cared for him.

Well Creepy, where ever it is bugs may go, you can creep them out there.

Creepy Crawlers to my family and friends,

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Rose, The chair, she's down for the count!

1, 2, 3...... 8, 9, 10..... She's out! Oh boy after the no gloves with the rose, the Rose winning, I figured I'd had my share of bumps, bruises and cuts for a while. Ooooooooooo No......... let's do something else. How about.... let's play instant chair collapse that will cause the one occupying the chair to fall hard and fast. And while we're at it, let's have it be the computer chair, while the person occupying the chair has water in her hand so the fall is that much more dynamic. Come one, let's not be plain here.

1, 2, 3, and BAM!!! Down the chair goes, the water all over the computer, my head against the wall, me lieing in a heap half propped halfway against the wall. Little ole me half crumpled near the little desk... and the chair... the chair with wheels rolls away... what's left of it.

This lastest mishap is either a sign to throw up the hands, cover myself in bubble wrap (for protection), or simply just laugh and find humor of it all. Besides a headache, scrapped elbow, bruised thigh and hip, sore back, not to mention the bruised ego, I'm not bleeding! Hey no blood! This is good - no blood no stitches. Good thing I wasn't in a chair near rose bushes huh?

So for tonight, I am going to lie on the couch, motionless, not moving a muscle, for I fear that something else in this house may leap out and get me. And it's only Monday! Oye!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The "Glove"

No, no, no... I'm not talking about Michael Jackson's infamous gloved hand. I'm talking utilitarian here. Protective gloves, mainly garden gloves. Oh how many times have I gone into my garden without the gloves. It feels so good to till the earth, to feel the plants, until................. something happens and you wish you had worn the gloves.

This morning, I decided bright and early 6:30 am, that I would go out and clip the 25 rose bushes, pull weeds, and rake up those leaves. Love the big tree but it sure drops alot of leaves all around the place and between every nook and cranny of the rose bushes. So... the plan in place, clipping the roses, looks great. Pulled some weeds... looking better, raking up the leaves, I can see it all coming together... then it happened! Oh my, it happened so quick and so painfully that it spun my head.... raking the leaves vigorously between the rose bushes and one of the thorns impales and lashes down my index finger.

Oh I see stars. My heart is racing, that hurt soooo bad my mind is reeling. I look down and well... blood is dripping everywhere, even got on my shirt. Can't be good I think. I don't look at my finger but run into the house to the kitchen sink. Blood flows. Oh boy my mind says "should have worn the gloves!".... too late now I shout back! I look at gash on my finger and it's "talking". Open close open close open close... oh dear.

Well off to the Emergency Department (thanks "K" for driving me... since I was starting to feel light headed). Once I got there I settled down a bit.

I thought the initial rose-thorn gash hurt..... oh boy, the 4 shots to numb my finger so the Doctor could clean (yes stuff got into the wound and she even pulled out part of a thorn way down in there... geez! ) After a thorough cleaning and 3 stitches later, which caused me to come close to passing out (yeah call me a wimp - you can), I was patched up and good to go. Antibiotics for 7 days 4-times a day... which comes with a warning... May cause dizziness or headaches. LOL.......... please...... really!?

The moral of this story - WEAR YOUR GARDEN GLOVES - even the most beautiful rose bush can sure pack a powerful punch if one ventures too close!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can you see me

Sometimes out of nowhere thoughts, words, just come to me. I was running late (well "am running late") this morning but had to STOP and write these words.

What I put out to myself, to anyone reading this today is to realize that we are all the same. Some of us have smaller demons than others to face, but when we were created, it was all through Him.

Eyes upon me
See right through
For I am here I feel the
stare of 'better than you'
Oh yesterday we were the same
Demons haunt me
They are my shame
Can you see me standing here
Drugs or drink
Hunger pangs more
The Demons surround some of us
A silent horrible world
Eyes upon me, see right through
One day my hope
You will see
Possibly help me
Set me Free

These words represent any person facing the demons of drug and/or alcohol abuse, mental and/or physical abuse. Sometimes, I feel, one's Demons consume them, leaving them stranded, alone, and even homeless.

To my family and friends, may the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill your spirit with compassion to live your days leading others in his likeness and seeing beauty and goodness even amongst despair.

Hugs and much love, Patty (aka Barney Beagle)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Coupons, Coupons, everywhere!

Ever notice how Moms know how to say and do the right thing. Moms even have a magical insight (so it seems) into saving money, cutting corners, and stretching a dollar into say five! Now, being a Mom I don't claim to possess these abilities or insights, however my Mom knew the secret. I, you might say, am a Mom in training.

After Mom passed my sibling discovered Mom had written down some websites (money saving websites) on a piece of paper next to her chair. I'm thankful one of my siblings passed that information on. I've held onto them, doing nothing, up until today. Wow! Why did I wait? Perhaps I just needed time before checking these sites out, however, after checking them out today I stand to save $7.30 on grocery items I normally buy. Coupons, oh yes coupons, they are money savers. All it takes is time to print and clip them.... I mean come on, how difficult is that? ("KA" if you're reading this I know you are the Coupon Commando.... I challenge thee... smiles!).

As I sit here looking at my treasure of coupons I think to myself.... "you know, Moms really do know how to save money, cut corners and more importantly s t r e a t c h that dollar. So Mom, thanks! Even though I know you know I finally checked the websites out.

To my family and friends, happy coupon clipping and now the question is "what to do with all that money" one will save!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

5 Months to this Day

5 Months ago to this day my Mentor, My friend, My Guide.... My Mother passed away. A smile on her face, even in death she seemed Happy and Angelic. Temporarily here on Earth to guide her children and shower those around her with love. And I mean everyone she met and knew, she possessed an inner beauty one can only strive to achieve. I miss her terribly...., it still does not seem real.

Driving along a few country roads today I could sense her, feel her... her inner beauty was shining everywhere. I almost couldn't breathe and just about had to pull over; it's difficult to drive with tears flowing. I almost had a re-wind of my years with Mom. Some happy, some sad, some not so good, and some I regret.

Which brings me to now.... this day, this moment, this hour, minute, second.... don't let unsaid things go unsaid. Don't let I Love Yous and/or I'm Sorry slip away.... for those very things left undone can haunt you.

Today and everyday I think of Mom and strive to become more of her being, her inner beauty.

I miss you Mom.

Love Patty
(aka Barney Beagle)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Doing the Happy Dance

Greetings everyone in Virtual Land. My question for today is what is "The Happy Dance?".

Is the Happy Dance for good things? For winning a game, a lottery, or some other token? For getting that new car? That new house? The boy? The girl? What is "The Happy Dance" and when is it done? Hmmmm....... or is it just for certain people and certain times?

I'd like to say I "Happy Dance" when...

* I think of Family & Friends

* The very early 'morn

* Counting ones Blessings

* My child(ren) smile at new wonders

* Something is denied, ... only later to realize it's for the best

I would probably bore some of you reading this post if I continued on, and I could probably do that at length and at nauseum (did I spell that right?), so I won't. But back to the original question... What is "The Happy Dance"?

I'd have to answer that this way.

When one's heart shines inside filling your being with a warm glow of love and life... that warmth and love explodes into the purest form.... creating "The Happy Dance!"