Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spiritual Helpers

Ever wonder about a power more powerful than one's self? Than mother nature? Than our universe as we know it? Perhaps you have, pehaps you haven't, but I believe it's there. I believe in God, and spiritual helpers, and that it's through our spiritual helpers (call them an Ultimate Guide.... Oh how the travel agencies would love to use this) as well as our Faith, that we are guided here in our earthly forms as well as our afterlife with Him. Wow! Let me sit and soak that in. That's really BIG when you think about it.

So, you ask, how does it work? Is it something you tune in on your iPod, or IPhone, or DVD, record by DVR, or is it a mysterious blessing you get at church, perhaps something you earn? What is, or better yet, what are spiritual helpers. Can you order it as a dessert, or does it only come with Sunday brunch. Hmmmmmmmm..... so what are spiritual helpers.

Well, I suppose we all have an interpretation to that question- and some will just say.... okay, you've finally flown over the cuckos nest with this one Barney, but still one must ponder.

First, let's take the definition of "spiritual". I decided to google "define spiritual". This is what was returned.

* religious: concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; "religious texts"; "a member of a religious order"; "lords temporal and ...
* concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul; "a spiritual approach to life"; "spiritual fulfillment"; "spiritual values"; "unearthly love"
*lacking material body or form or substance; "spiritual beings"; "the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm"-Lewis Mumford
*apparitional: resembling or characteristic of a phantom; "a ghostly face at the window"; "a phantasmal presence in the room"; "spectral emanations"; "spiritual tappings at a seance"

Well, this is pretty clear, right? I would like to think that spiritual helpers are those transcendental souls that belong to the spiritual realm. They are ever present I believe, if one is open to receive. Now, don't get me wrong, you can't just turn a switch on and say "okay spirit helpers" can you this or that or guide me through this or that. Remember this is something GREATER than ourselves, than our human form. One must be in touch with nature, with one's inner self, with God, and OPEN to the senses outside of what we commonly know as our six senses.

In essense, and forgive me for my ramblings, spiritual helpers are there, guiding us, talking to us, providing subtle clues and direction for us, so that we may in turn become spiritual even within our human form.

So I ask you, the next time you feel that little nudge or that "gut feeling", you may indeed be tuning in to your spiritual helper.

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