Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Have you Read?

Okay, so I'm a bit of a techno-geek when it comes to reading news, etc. I am here parked at my computer each morning and evening "reading" the news, soaking it in, what's going on here, or there, or who did what to whom. Most recently however I came across Oprah Winfrey's site and found the last couple of days writings enlightening.

Yesterday was "Tune in to Tune out"... and today "Find Happiness". I have to admit I did not read either column word for word, but the ideas put out there in both articles really has me thinking. Tune in to yourself and nature to tune out all the chaos our world has.... Find out what makes you happy, have a joy buddy! What a novel concept! It sounds so simple. It's like eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and stay active. 3 simple things yet so very difficult for one to achieve. So where have we gone wrong where it seems to me many have lost sight of the simple pleasures of life.

Pehaps today and every day we can start our day by counting our blessings. Having more tolerence for the less fortunate (for we can't possibly know all of their struggles or demons they are fighting).... perhaps we can smile more... and when we catch ourselves frowning undo that frown quickly - like right now immediately. Perhaps we can lend a hand before being asked. Perhaps we'll be kinder and gentler to ones self... we don't have to be super heroes to everyone - we need to be true to ourself and those that are our family (whatever your defined family may be)... I guess, through my ramblings what I am saying is to be ever thankful for the moment, for those in your life, be kind to yourself (no super heroes here), and if anything else read the past 2 articles at - I found them enlightening and something that just might make this world a better place.

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