Friday, March 21, 2008

Take II - Planes, Trains and Automobiles... but what about Love?

Okay, so I didn't quite write last night. That's okay, really, my mind was pretty much turned off by the end of the day. Much of my energy shared with the various folks that I'm so blessed to have contact with each day (That's another story in and of itself... lucky am I).

Planes, Trains and Automobiles... it's basically how we get from point A to point B (mind you I exculed skateboards, scooters, motorcycles, go carts,.... you get my point). What got me on this train of though (no pun intended here) was a song I heard on the radio by Brad Paisley... something about if Love were a Plane, no one would get on. I thought, hmm.... why not? I mean the Plane, or the Train, or the Automobile usually take you someplace exciting right? Someplace one wants to venture to, to explore, to relax, to unwind, etc etc. So why wouldn't you hop on a plane if "Love were a plane". Good question! Well, needless to say the song caught my attention.

Imagine this on your next flight. "Good afternoon, and welcome to the Love Plane. We expect that over the next 4 hours we'll encounter some form of turbelence, a drop in altitute for no given reason, and it's possible that we are going down. There's a 6 in 10 chance we won't make our destination!" OMG! So, come on, get on this plane? With a greeting like that? I think not.... but wait... we have Love.... can't we conquer the turblenece, the changes in altitude, and heaven forbid we go down! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... with that thought in mind I must "sign off" for now, and continue my ramblings later (yeah, yeah, work is calling and I find myself wanting to get my thoughts out early and then I run out of time.... and no, I won't be getting up at 4am to blog - but it's a thought). I'll finish my thoughts after my duties of work. We'll get those thoughts out then.

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