Monday, March 24, 2008

Right....... Right.......

Okay, I have to admit I was laughing out loud when I titled this post "Right........ Right........". Only a few of you know the TRUE meaning of "Right..........Right......." and where it originated from. Hi "K"! Hi "M"! I'm sure "K" has shared with "M" and I may have shared with "M" myself.... but you know... I'm feeling a bit goofy today and seeing "K's" comment made me smile and I thought of "right, right..." and that day way back in '97 or '98 (somewhere around that timeframe - I've lost track)

Oh what an interesting time that was for me........ feeling good, feeling good about myself, my life, where I was going and then I get this "right, right" coming at me..... I'd like to think that was a test of temptation (from the dark side), but to me it was more of a shocker than anything... knocked me right over that day ('member that "K"?). I digress. Another post, another time, perhaps another lifetime.

Today is Monday, here I am posting at 8:12 a.m. - Yes, no work today. NO punching the clock, taking breaks, and meal-periods, total freedom to choose what I'd like to do today. Which made me think, honestly, what it would feel like to be retired. To do things that matter to one, to be involved in things that matter to ones self. Ah..... for a moment I fantasized... for a moment. Then SNAP, back to reality, you get a week 'hon, just a week. I'll take it! So what's on the agenda? Oh...... I plan to venture out into the land of RETAIL. I know I'll hear laughter, for those of you that know I'd rather do my shopping online then at a RETAIL store. Perhaps in age I am becoming more venturesome ... but it is probably more I'm becoming more relaxed and looking at the whole outing as a venture in and of itself. NOT to mention I'll have great company with me! Okay, okay, honestly... I've outgrown my jeans.. the one pair I have (ROFLOL)

So..... not much of a post today, no deep thoughts, except for the funny thought of "Right... Right".... which only a few will ever know about. And you know, I have to say I shouldn't laugh at that, but every now and then I do.... because what fun is life if we can't laugh at ourself and the situations we come across.

Until the next post - have a great day, smile lots, and laugh often!

1 comment:

Kristin Amaro said...

Three letters for you....

L - O - L.


You know, there is a lady here in my Mom's group that is the SPITTIN' IMAGE of the person about who we are alluding to. I mean - SPITTIN' IMAGE. So, I have had many a moments thinking of the times of which you speak. Geesh, can we be any more cryptic? Right, right....

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