Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Blessings

Easter Blessings to all who may read my Blog today. Easter... a time of renewed Faith. Easter... a time for you to rise above what may be holding you down, holding you back (from happiness, from health, from life).... yes, you can do it. No matter how difficult it may seem, now is the time to take that leap of Faith. To trust in HIM.

As humans we always want to know "what, how, and when". But with Faith one needs only know the "What" ( and sometimes we don't know that, but hey it's okay) and then TRUST in HIM that he will show you the How and When (of course this is in his time). Back in 2003 I took a leap of Faith, I trusted HIM, I trusted Family, and here I am today - happy, in a healthy place, and yes able to care for one's self. Back then I just knew it was impossible. I mean I thought how can I? I mean I only can this or can that. I only wish I had trusted him sooner. But that's okay, important thing is I trusted and as scary as it was not knowing the how or when it would seem okay again... I knew WHAT I had to do. Gods grace and the blessing of my child gave me the courage to forge ahead... ahead to the unknown.... but to something better.

FAMILY - oh the Blessing of family. God blessed me with family to help me, to gently be there, and for a place of refuge. However, the safest refuge was knowing that GOD would not let me down, if I were to believe, if I were to trust, and if I were to do my best to follow his teachings. I know God has much work to do with me yet, and that's okay.... the many Blessings that come with the pruning and shearing of one's life may be painful or difficult but in the end... HE will never let you down and if one listens He will guide you. Family will be there, God will be there. So during this Easter Time of new beginnings, and for many renewed Faith - I pray for those that have struggles, and worries, or hardships in relationships (with family, friends, wifes, husbands, etc) - that HE will help them see what they need to do, where they need to be even if that means starting anew. God is good, and his grace will always be by your side.

I have much pruning and shearing for ones self in this lifetime. My prayer and thought for today is that we all accept and be true to one's self -- even if that acceptance means not knowing the outcome -- I truly believe God will guide one there.

Happy Easter to my wonderful Family and my Friends. Without you, without Gods guiding grace, life would seem senseless and lost.

1 comment:

Kristin Amaro said...

Happy Easter Barney! Enjoying your posts...keep 'em up.

God Bless,