Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What on Earth am I here for?

What on earth am I here for? A profound question indeed. Does one really have the answer to this question? Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't, perhaps... like me, this is something to ponder from time to time. What on earth am I here for?

Almighty God and Father made each of us become one to His liking, to His purpose. Repeat... His purpose. So again, I ask, What on earth am I here for, or what is my purpose? I personally don't have the answer to this. I strive to live my life fruitfully, and for His glory, however, I'd be lieing if I said it was easy. Most days it feels hard... for I am hard on myself, sometimes to extremes. Learning to let go, and let Him be the guide sounds easy, it takes time. It takes an open heart. It takes faith and love. I can honestly say that I try, and will continue to try.

An analogy here. Let's take a tree. You plant it, you water it it, you nurture it, etc. The tree grows, and when mature enough it bears fruit. From time to time the tree needs pruning, shaping, it encourages new growth for the tree. This is much what our Heavenly Father does for us, daily. Pruning can be painful, however if we keep in mind the new growth that comes with pruning, we are truly being blessed with each pruning. For He knows when it's time, and in His time He will prune.

Accept challenges, triumphs and defeats, as lessons. How have I grown in His likeness? How can I become more like Him. Simple statement, yet as humans, in our earthly forms, we tend to complicate even the simplistic.

For today, let's keep it simple. Let's take the tree, be like the tree. You plant it (God's gift to us of life). You water it (Learn more about God daily) You nurture it (Never will He leave he). You prune it (God's gift of eternal love). The tree (you) bear fruit. I pray that the Lord our God will continue to help me understand life's challenges as Blessings, no matter how sad or difficult they may seem, for each day - each event in life is a Blessing from God.

To my family and friends, may we see the simplicity and goodness in Life through Him. Amen!