Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Put it out there

The philosophy of positive thinking. I have to admit, I've used it and I've seen the results of putting "positive" energy out there. It works. Believe it or not, that's okay. I don't need anyone to tell me that it does or doesn't as I've experienced it first hand.

Which leads me to something my niece shared with me one day at a BBQ. You have to know what you want, and if another person can't figure it out in "x" amount of time, then move on (she was talking relationships here). I have, to this day thought about that conversation from my niece "D". Interesting comment, but then again, she "knew what she wanted", "she put it out there" and guess what? She's got it! Something this 40-something gal is going to do as well.

So today I put out my Positive Thoughts around relationships, around my career, and around my family. Now time will only tell, and time will let me know when to switch gears. Thanks "D" for your thoughts... bet you never thought your Aunt would take them so to heart.

Positive thoughts and much love to my family and friends this "blog day".