Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kiss me once, and kiss me twice, and ....

Kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time. Okay, am I dating myself here? Anyone remember that song? Now why is that song in my head this morning. Perhaps I'm going to be kissed by some mysterious stranger, perhaps a frog prince? Is he out there? I believe so :o) Perhaps I've already kissed him and he's just afraid to get out of his frog suit (lol... sorry, that conjured up a funny image for me. A fellow unzipping and jumping out of a frog suit next to a pond covered in lily pads). Okay I'll stop, just a funny little thought for a funny little blog this 'morn.

For those of you that are blessed enough to have your Prince Charming with you, reach over and "kiss him once, and kiss him twice, and kiss him once again!".... you don't want that to have to wait a long long time... and be careful... don't fall into the pond.

Frog Kisses to my family and friends this day- ribbit!