Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fun to be around

I recently attended a memorial service and someone stated something while paying respects to our faithfully departed.... "He was always fun to be around". He went on further to say that this person was great a conversation and never spoke of himself, but always of life and others. ... "he was always fun to be around".

This statement made me stop to think about myself, about others I am with, and question whether I'm a person whom speaks of life, of others, or am I always going on about "myself". Something to think about. It gets old hearing one speak on and on and on about themselves. I'd imagine it would get old after while. I mean it goes hand in hand with the saying "the world does not revolve around ones head".

Just something that I'm thinking of "....always fun to be around". Perhaps a challenge to my fellow bloggers and/or those who pop in on my blog from now and then. Think about your conversation - is it always focused on you, others, the world, happiness, dreaded things, sad things, ....... and how would you feel if this is what you were hearing from the mouths of others. Hmmmmmmmmm... so this is the short blog I put out there today.

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