Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wintery Wildlife.. can you say brrrrrrrrrrrrr

It's cold. I know, for those of you that I know in the Eastern states 31 degress is not cold. Might be warming up for some of you. BUT, BUT, BUT..... this is California! 31 degrees at almost 10am? Brrrrrrrrrr.... did I say brrrrrrrrrrrr. I cringe at the thought of that PG&E bill coming in end of this month. I don't think I've had to run the heater for this many days ever! Well, at least that I can remember.

So... since it's so cold we decided to go out for a Wintery wildlife walk along the Delta Water Ways. Yeah, this coming from the person that just said brrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrrrrr.... at least twice huh? Well now more. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

The air along the Delta was definitely crisp and cool, the breeze was more than slight and made the cold bite more. Invigorating? Nah... just cold. Made one walk faster. However, once along the trail the tules and the wild berry bushes seemed to calm the wind - a protected area where we could walk and enjoy the many sights and sounds of nature. A bird call. More than one critter could be heard crunching around in the thick underbrush of the overgrown trees, tules and berry bushes. A quick flash and a Jack Rabbit not more than 5 ft from us sprang into action running across an open field. A hawk circles overhead, one perches on an old decrepit building in the distance. A beautiful day. Cold yes, but beautiful. Nature always has a way of showing off her glory and beauty, no matter what the day.

Our ears were filled with many sounds and sights . Ones eye, if keen enough, and if one is still enough along the path, there is much to see. Ah... however nature blends in... a brilliant camouflage.

This very cold 'morn I'm glad we decided to walk, to get outdoors and enjoy Nature's show. As we walked I'm sure we were a show for nature too. For as we walked one could almost feel the little creature eyes upon us, even though we were not able to see them all - they were there. Perhaps our venture out gave them a change of scenery, I hope it was a good one. I do know that nature blessed us with the many sounds and sights we came across this morning. This very cold Sunday 'morn.

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