Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yard work vs. House Work

Amazing how yard work can ground a person. Perhaps not everyone, but there's something very satisfying about being outdoors and watching things all come together. Now mind you, my home is nothing close to a home in Sunset Magazine or Better Home and Gardens, however it's the space where I live and it matters... to me.

Also interesting is the fact that I do alot of thinking when in the yard. Today I think I realized that I will most likely venture though my life with my child, my siblings, and friends. Relationships have never been a thing that blossomed into anything more than dating for me.... but hey, good friends and close friends are good. I'm not sure how that feels to be alone, because I never really am alone - there's always family and friends. Some interesting thoughts this day. Enlightening actually.

I did realize today that I prefer working outdoors vs. indoors. To clean floors, vacuum, dust, clean mirrors, etc. has taken me all day - I just have a difficult time getting into that (LOL). But progress has been made. Half my day is gone and I have made a dent, a little dent, but it's forward momentum. Now I rest, perhaps a warm bath, and some relaxation at home. Now that sounds inviting.

Yard work vs. House work? Hmmmmmm I guess it's how you look at things, really neither are that bad once one gets going.