Sunday, February 28, 2010

Writer's Block

W R I T E R S B L O C K - - - To write creatively one must write daily, at least 20 minutes... a day... every day. 20 minutes isn't that much time, however... and I say this with some seriousness (is that word?) to be able to write 20 minutes every day can sometimes be challenging. It is especially challenging when writer's block sets in.

I am faced with that today, right at this moment. I have a number of thoughts whirling about my mind (some would call that ADD) however, I call it creativity.... the real trick is to capture one thought then expand or write one's feelings/thoughts/about it. Sounds simple? Not really.

Some thoughts whirling around in my mind... God, children, family, swimming, work, exercise, beauty, love, loneliness, death, life, the lost, the forgotten, friends, birds, money,.... and these are just a few of the things whirling around. Talk about overload! Wouldn't you say?

Which brings me to something I use to practice, but have not in a very long time. Meditation. Meditation quiets the mind, focuses the body, mind and soul. It takes practice, daily practice, just like writing. Begin small - 20 minutes a day and soon you expand to 30, 40, even 60 minutes a day.

So perhaps this writers block has brought me back to meditation, and how beneficial it can be. Actually an interesting and round about way to come to that, buy hey, I got there.

I expect as my meditation practice grows so will my writing. Just like a ripple in the water, small at first and larger as it expands. Now that certainly is a good start. Yes indeed, I'd say it's a good start.

To my fellow writers, family and friends, I wish you many blessings this day and every day.

Barney (aka Patty)