Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's all in the "hat"

It's all in the "hat". Seriously, didn't you know that? A hat can change the look of an outfit, add an air of old time charm, mystery, or elegance (to name a few).

There are any number of hats. Fedora hats.... a classic. A time of elegance and grace. Cowboy hats... oh the old wild west, the new frontier, Eureka... there's GOLD in them there hills. The Gangsta hat.... tilted slightly disguising the wearer just a bit. There are so many hats.... Top hats, wide brimmed hats, floppy hats, pillbox hats, large, small, and then there are the Derby hats. Don't get me started on that.

Hats can be an expression of one's self. A hat can simply be worn to protect ones self from the damaging rays of the sun, and sometimes a Hat can be a gentle reminder of what truly is important in life. Case in Point....... read on

A particularly busy day at work I happened upon an elderly man. He had a gentle demeanor about him... very tall, I'd have to imagine in his younger days quite an ominous presence, now bent over slightly. However his presence was gentle and kind. As I assisted him I could not help but notice his "hat". He was sporting a baseball hat... and his hat said it all.... in big bold letters across his hat it read TRY GOD.

At that moment I smiled, time to stop, time to refocus on what really matters. Now what that is may be different for you than it is for me.... however, when you find yourself feeling hurried, anxious or even stressed.... think of the many expressions a hat can portray... and think of the hat that said it all... TRY GOD. I say "Indeed Try God!"

Blessings to you my family and friends.

Barney (aka Patty)