Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lazy Days and Yesterdays

Ah......... it's that time of year when the seasons are indecisive. Not quite Fall, but not summer "heat hot" anymore either. To me it's the perfect time of year, the time of year where I feel "lazy days" more often then not, and a time of year when I find myself pondering "yesterdays". Why is that?

Well, I don't know the answer to that. I often tell myself that "yesterdays" are gone, and "today" is the present! So live in it! However, and I say however cautiously, our yesterdays have sometimes left imprints of lost loves, lost opportunities, and sometimes just unanswered questions. THIS is WHERE I find myself pondering, thinking, analyzing........ oh how I analyze (okay, OVER-analyze some things)... is that bad? good? or indifferent? Another question I put out there. It's almost like a good book you were reading and had a chapter or two left, and you never finished...... hmmmmmmmm. Unfinished business perhaps, I don't know.

So here's how all this came to me today, as I sat with the group of ladies and gents that I sit with each Saturday morning. In life you will remember and smile from the things you did in life vs. the things you thought you should have done (something like that). So, hmmmm, an interesting concept for me. I tend to like things wrapped up, a start, a middle, a finish......... so that just throws a complete curve ball into my project management style approach to life. But, but, but, but.... it wasn't part of the plan! How can you take that chapter or book away (sometimes not by my choice), when it's not finished. I ponder this.

So for today, I will smile at, and remember the things I've done/seen/been in life. I can't promise that I won't ever ponder over lost loves, lost opportunities, and yes... sometimes just unanswered questions. I will though, try to look at them objectively and not OVER-analyze them. Take them as a learning experience. Perhaps some of those chapters will be picked up later in life, perhaps some of those unread books will be complete. The lesson here is to live, today, now, and if the unread books come back full circle, then another chapter begins.

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