Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Great Debate

The Great Debate. What was "The Great Debate"? I have no clue, nor do I wish to, however, I do know that I enjoy lively conversation with a variety of folks and different walks of life. Isn't that what makes the world go round? Some would say yes, some would say I don't know, and some happen to think it does. What do you think.

Sunday morning, brisk air, a hot cup of coffee, a local Starbucks and a group of folks from all walks of life. What an enlightening and wonderful way to spend a lazy Sunday morn. Everything from politics, to good looking men, and women, and let's not forget the vineyards, the world travelers, the firemen, policeman, professors, administrators, nurses, psychologists, puzzle pros....... and whew... let me take a breath. Yes there is more! All in one spot? Oh yes, and what a lively and fun conversation it is - I look forward to my Sunday mornings. And can you believe all to be found in one location at one time.

How did this happen you ask? Well, with most things it starts with a hello. A simple word, yet a word that is taken for, I believe, for granted in our society. Hello has become an automatic thing one says when they see or pass a person, and to some, it doesn't exist. However, for this group "hello" really means "hello", and an open invitation for conversation. Harmless in and of itself, but for some it can be intimidating or even threatening.

What has become of the "art of conversation?" Has it been lost in technology? I mean I even know of a couple who text each other when in the same house! Don't laugh - I'm being serious. Whatever happened to the value of face-to-face conversation - where one can see expression, feel the tone, feel the body language and really get to know a person. An example, and it's funny because I am blogging this so you can't feel, read or see tone... But let's take the word HELLO for example. I can say the word hello in so many ways it can be friendly, it can be provocative, and it can be condescending or rude, and there is much more. So how do I ask, does one really engage in the true art of conversation through our various means of media. I believe there is value, but the value I'm talking about is the really getting to know, to feel a person, and be present and engaged. A thought to ponder.

For me, I value my Sunday mornings - I find them refreshing and fun and sometimes even exhilarating! Perhaps the world can start with a hello, and invite someone that is different from ourselves into our space if even for just a moment. One might be able to see that there really is value in the "art of conversation"

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