Friday, October 24, 2008

Don't Ever Settle

Thank you Shelly and Tom for the inspirational title for today's blog..."Don't Ever Settle".

Let me ask you this. If you were hired for a job to perform certain tasks, and then when you come on board, you are told you are doing something else.... something else you'd never have applied for.......would you "settle" for this and just go for the ride? Perhaps yes, perhaps no, perhaps for a while until you realized it just wasn't what you wanted and you were settling because it was a job.

Well what about relationships? Friends, co-workers, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends. How does that work. I heard something last night on the television that was like a zoom in of a scary movie, and it fits right in with this post. She said...... "If a relationship doesn't move forward, it withers".

Ah... this really fits in to "Don't Ever Settle". Wow! So I thought I've got to get this out there. I also sat back and started to reflect on my life... have I ever just settled? I'd have to say yes in some cases, and in those cases it never turned out well. Not that it was horrific or horrible, but when one just settles something always seems to be missing.

So I ask you all. How do you know when it's right? That job, that decision, your spouse, your boyfriend, your girlfriend? Tough question, I know. However, I do know that I will definitely be keeping the words "If a relationship doesn't move forward, it withers" deep in my thoughts. Intriguing to me, as I venture through life sometimes yearning for the connection that I see others have easily made. Then again, I trust that God will guide me through this life to be and do what needs to be done for his glory.

JB, remember that day when we sat on the curb while the police were going through the house (after it was burglarized?). I will never forget what I said, the words just came, like I wasn't even the one saying them, I said... "I know now that whatever I do in life I must do it alone". Did those words put my fate out there? I wonder. I ponder. Now I ramble (smiles).

Don't Ever Settle.

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