Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hold on

It's amazing how we, as humans, feel the need to "hold on" to everything.

I write this as a general statement, not an all encompassing one.

In the past I have held on to many things that weren't necessary.... some material things, some not. Just in case you know.... just in case.

Does holding on to things hold us back?
Does holding on to things keep us from moving forward?
Does holding on to things make us better?
Does holding on to things keep us from growing?
Does holding on to things keep us from the paths that call to us?

Many questions whirl through my mind. Perhaps the best question to ask one self .... "Is holding on necessary?" "what's the benefit" "and for whom"?

Perhaps the better question to ask oneself is "are you ready to let go? Are you ready to let go and allow yourself to fly"