Monday, April 26, 2010

Da Hood

Da hood is the place that I call home
Da hood is the place where one can feel so alone
Da hood is the place where you see things that are sad
things that are scary and others down right bad

Da hood can creep up on you and take you by surprise
Da hood has no respect, better watch out or it might be
your demise

Ya try to blend in with the crazy ole ways,
perhaps ya wont' be noticed and they'll merry on their way

Da hood takes what it wants, if you got what it needs
Da hood hurts anyone, self respect.... oh pleeeease

Try do what's right, while keeping your kin safe,
An education of the other side, da hood has lessons you
can take

Learn to keep your eyes open
Learn when to uproar, learn when to be silent
and sadly to ignore....
And most of all you learn what's wrong,
A sad state of affairs.... cuz doing something right
.... Da hood seems lost forever more....