Saturday, June 20, 2009


What inspires you? What is your passion? What makes you happy? Are you doing those things? Are the people places and things that surround you support what inspires, brings you passion, and makes you happy? Whew... let me take that all in. Simple questions? Yes. Are the answers that come to mind that simple? Are they clear? Does one even know? Hmmmm

Life brings pleasure. Life brings pain. Life brings uncertainty. Life brings us wonderful and mysterious things day-in and day-out. One thing I do know for sure is that life is ever changing. I suppose ones purpose is to find and pursue a purpose and to make the most of the challenges and opportunities presented. Challenges really are opportunities in disguise (yeah, I know I'm sounding "corporate" here... not my intent).

I believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ Blesses us with a new day, to make a difference, to inspire us, to give us the opportunity to grow more of his likeness. To serve. Each day is another opportunity to find that inspiration within, to build on it, to grow. ... the inspiration and voice that guides us on our path. A path that will eventually lead us to our Lord Savior.

With those thoughts going through my mind and heart - I pray, I hope, that my steps will be steps that inspire hope. Inspire passion. Inspire happiness. I know it won't be easy, for I/we are not perfect. We can only listen to that voice, the voice that guides us as our Lord Jesus does. He is our voice within.

May we all be open to hear, and more importantly to take those steps... one at a time, one after the other.

Continued Blessings to my Family and Friends.