Saturday, June 27, 2009

I can see it now

I can see it now
3 bedrooms, 2 baths
Waiting, waiting for me
A place to call home
A place to hang one's hat
Knowing it is theirs

I can see/feel the day
Quickly coming my way
The day I bid farewell
Farewell oh Landlord farewell

Jump for joy
Tears of happiness
Relief at last, a place to
really call home

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer House Sitting

Ah... the good ole summer time. With Summer time comes house sitting, dog sitting, cat sitting, gardens, you name it. Well I am house sitting, easy enough, and caring for a fish and....... well Scorpian. Below is my care log. One must be able to find humor ... afterall it's all in a days work.

Care Log for the Fish and Creepy

"M" - Thanks for the fruit on the table. I think it will help keep my blood sugars stabalized while dealing with Creepy... Didn't realize that when I first started, but realize it now (ha!).

Day 1 - Sunday
Fish was piece of cake. Turn the light off in the a.m., feed the bloodworms in the a.m., the pellets in the p.m. and light goes back on... AND mirror door stayed open. Wouldn't want him to see himself and get crazy.

Creepy........ oh boy.... Creepy is another story. I had to psych myself up first just to pick up a crickett. I am really afraid of cricketts (another story in and of itself). I mustered up all my strength to grab a crickett after about 3-4 tries... seriously! Got it and tossed it in. Now "Creepy" went wild about this and started doing God knows what and the log he was under started like thumping and moving. I jumped backwards (thank God I didn't knock his critter cage over). Lordy! I could not bring myself to touch the log and spray everywhere, but did my best. I managed to keep myself from hyper-ventilating...

Day 2 - Monday
Fish - I love this Fish. He is so friendly and easy and doesn't creep me out.

Creepy... oh no. About died to find Creepy out from under the log sitting there poised like he was ready to strike and kill. Oh Lord. After a couple Hail Marys and Our Father's later and a lot of nerve build up I managed to somehow get a bit of water in his bowl. Looks like he ate the Crickett. May give him one Tues or Weds. Sprayed. With alot of courage, even though he was in the cage and closed in I tried to get a picture of him. He was like just sitting there with this "I dare you to touch me" stance. Oh... yeah... with Creepy I can see Indian Food in my future here ("S" are you reading this?)

Day 3 - Tuesday
Fish. I really love this fish. Did I tell you that already? I love the fish. Nice Fish. No stingers, or crazy look. Just swimming and nice. I don't even mind the blood worms. The fish is beautiful and peaceful.

Creepy. OMG..... I'm starting to get paranoid he's going to jump and cling onto my arm. Breathe-in breathe-out breathe-in breathe-out.... relax. He wont' get you - some reassurance helps when taking care of Creepy you know. This time I bring my BBQ tongs... I can reach in with those and move things and spray, etc. I think to myself.... what if he can cling on to BBQ tongs? This thought immediately brings my heart rate up 20 notches. (do you think that will help my metobolism?... nevermind... this is not the way to do it, trust me!). I think Creepy actually laughed at me today. Creep! (now I think I know how he got his name)
On a side note - he was out from his log with his tail and stinger arched upward toward the top of the cage... I think he's messing with me! Mental note - heart rate still racing even after the drive home. And the cat just walked under me and his tail got me and I screamed out loud and jumped.... Darn... no Damn that Creepy!

Day 4 - Wednesday
Fish. So whimsical, beautiful to look at. So safe... I mean it's not a shark or anything. I really love this fish... did I tell you that? Wanted to sit with Fish just to relax before going to that, that, that other cage of terror.

Creepy. Just typing the name Creepy makes me shake now. I'm starting to feel like a nervous little chihuhua dog. I can hardly walk normally as I approach his cage. Again, I think he's laughing at me. Perhaps he doesn't realize "who" feeds him, huh? huh? huh? Okay, that stance didn't work, and on top of that I freaked with the crickett and it got away after I tried to scoop it up from the mantel (not realizing I was trying to get it while leaning over creepys enclosure). This crickett escaped (sorry "M"...not sorry Creepy - if you'd quit trying to scare me I would not be shaking and wouldn't have dropped the crickett). If Scorpians can stare you down, Creepy just did. I had to recoil from sheer cowardness. I think he's enjoying his fright tactics with me. I'll have to muster up enough courage to reach into the cage tomorrow. Today, sprayed from through the cage and water through the top of the cage. I swear he's gonna latch onto my hand or arm.

Day 5 - Thursday

Fish. I think I'm going to just stay in the room with the fish. I really truly love the fish. Did I tell you that? Yeah, I know, you see I really love the fish. So calm, so nice, so unthreatening. Mellow, beautiful, ahhh...

Lord almighty help me! Creepy is on top of his Log! This time he's gone too far, I just know he's trying to leap onto me now! I think I peed my pants, and I swear he clicked his little pincher claws at me. Luckily I brought a paper bag (in case I start to hyper ventilate), and BBQ tongs for... well "protection" now! Lord... this creepy creature is challenging me.. I swear... you'd have to be here to believe it. Reminder to self - see Doctor to get blood pressure medication - just for these short few days if needed. Breathe-in, breathe-out, breathe-in, breathe-out

Thursday News - "The Heavens have rejoiced and the Angels Sing Alleluia!"
I'm like a dog that's headed out for a walk... tail wagging, jumping up and down, let's go let's go, hurry hurry! I see Creepys owners car... it's their car... this means "S" is home and Creepy can go home. I almost cry from sheer relief, I want to hug and kiss someone just because. Hear that Creepy, you get to go home. As I hand Creepy over to his rightful owners he makes one last appearance as if he's mocking my fear... yes he's clicking those pinchers and if Scorpians can laugh... he just did.. again... did you see that!! As I watch Creepy leave I swear I can still hear him laughing. Finally though I can start working on getting my blood pressure back to normal.... whew!! Farewell Creepy! ("S" some Indian food would be really good right about now ;o)

Note - the remanider of my days will be total bliss with a beautiful little Beta Fish floating along peacefully as if an Angel on fluffy white clouds......... my nerves have already started to find calm....... ahhhhhhhhhhh

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Day of Summer

Happy First Day of Summer!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


What inspires you? What is your passion? What makes you happy? Are you doing those things? Are the people places and things that surround you support what inspires, brings you passion, and makes you happy? Whew... let me take that all in. Simple questions? Yes. Are the answers that come to mind that simple? Are they clear? Does one even know? Hmmmm

Life brings pleasure. Life brings pain. Life brings uncertainty. Life brings us wonderful and mysterious things day-in and day-out. One thing I do know for sure is that life is ever changing. I suppose ones purpose is to find and pursue a purpose and to make the most of the challenges and opportunities presented. Challenges really are opportunities in disguise (yeah, I know I'm sounding "corporate" here... not my intent).

I believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ Blesses us with a new day, to make a difference, to inspire us, to give us the opportunity to grow more of his likeness. To serve. Each day is another opportunity to find that inspiration within, to build on it, to grow. ... the inspiration and voice that guides us on our path. A path that will eventually lead us to our Lord Savior.

With those thoughts going through my mind and heart - I pray, I hope, that my steps will be steps that inspire hope. Inspire passion. Inspire happiness. I know it won't be easy, for I/we are not perfect. We can only listen to that voice, the voice that guides us as our Lord Jesus does. He is our voice within.

May we all be open to hear, and more importantly to take those steps... one at a time, one after the other.

Continued Blessings to my Family and Friends.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Frozen in time

Hands curled, ready to go,
rest on the keyboard
A million thoughts
Racing through one's mind
How to capture
Elusive butterfly
Escapes right through the
hole of that butterfly net
Fleeting, floating, in there
Whirling, unable to grasp
Comprehend, or articulate clearly
As if frozen in time
A million thoughts
Race, race through my mind

In the Bottle

Bottom of the well
Looking up, no light
Shall I climb
Do I know how?
Turbulence swirls around
Violence erupts
Innocence pays, no longer trusts
Foundations are splintered
shattered, crushed,
A desperate plea for help
Through violence
Innocence pays, words cut
like a steel blade sword
Surreal is the aftermath
What a storm this all brings
In the bottle
May the good Lord place his loving grace upon those fighting demons this day. May his Love surround them and help them find their way. To this, today, right now, I pray.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I can only Imagine...

Blessings to you my family and friends.

May we know him in all his Glory in this life, and after.


Monday, June 1, 2009


Brian R. (1930 - ) and Joan M. (1936-2009)

Oh... something about seeing this in writing yesterday was surreal. How could this be real? Aren't our mothers and fathers supposed to be around forever? I know, that is not true, for if they were around forever they would be saying farewell to us. Something a parent should never have to do, bury and bid farewell to a child.

The grass on Mom's grave site felt comforting as I sat staring down at their names. Their names engraved permanently on marble stone, praying hands and the Lord's cross between them, uniting them, always. 2 hearts bound by a lifetime of love. Blessed. I miss Mom. I miss Dad being away in New York.

I can feel mom's presence as I sit, crying, sobbing. Not caring about others that may be near, visiting their loved ones. The pain is real, a testimony to the love and spirit of a beautiful woman gone safely home to our Lord. I pray, I sit, I tell myself it's not real over and over again. When will I wake from this dream? Perhaps never, perhaps in time, in His time. I bow my head to pray again, to give thanks for the Blessings in my life.

I will come again Mom, to visit, to sit, to cry and to one day laugh. Your beauty shall live on forever in those that were Blessed to have you in their lives. Until we meet again Mom.