Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tidal Pools

Ah........ today I blog what another has written, I post this with a warmth in my heart and joy only a parent can feel when their child writes something, shares it with you, and you say "Wow". Well,being the mom that loves to blog, I, with the permission of my child post my childs poem "Tidal Pools".

Tidal Pools
The mossy rocks protect this pool
Full of life & many different colors
Gulls screech, warnings of a storm to come
Starfish tighten their grip & hermit crabs hide
in their shells

The oceans waves is a hammer's blow agains the rocks
they stand like concrete walls withstanding
wave after wave
The wind whispers good-bye as the storm
simply melts away.

jh - 2008

Perhaps another blogger or writer in the works? Most likely not... for this child swears she doesn't enjoy writing (smiles). Each time I sit to write, my child gets this funny look like "what are you doing? are you writing again"? When I ask for some critique or thoughts, this child passes each time (I have to laugh). I have always loved to write, when not pressured to do so (I must add).

For today, for the lack of my own creativity I post the poetry of my child. Who knows what one has inside, if one only reaches deep enough, is brave enough, to explore ones self.

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