Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hazy and Hot

Okay, so it was either "hazy and hot" or "phone home". That is the title for today's blog. Where did "phone home" or "hazy and hot" come from? Well... I'd like to say...... ah.... don't ask, don't tell is the response to that.

Like any good writer, one has to write "something" each and every day. It's like an athlete who trains for the olympics (okay, writing is not an athletic sport), but you get my drift. Practice, patience, and most importantly daily practice. For writers, that means pen to paper or fingers to keyboard... or both.

So let's get back to hazy and hot or phone home. I asked a certain person in my household... what should I title the blog for today... and the response was Phone Home. LOL..... then Hazy and Hot (which is another funny story - perhaps I'll share sometime, but not today). So out of the two... let's go with Phone Home.

What comes to mind when one hears "phone home"? I think of the movie E.T. Others may think of a loved one on vacation or off to college that should phone home. Or perhaps phone home means something more, who knows... for me, it can mean checking in with ones self. Getting oneself grounded, checking in to your inner self, being true to your inner self and answering the truth within yourself. We could get really deep here.

I think for now though, I'm going to ponder the thought of 'phone home' and what it could mean to me..... until the next blog...... let's hope your day is not too hazy or hot. Or... maybe hazy and hot is a good thing. (LOL.. had to throw that in).. later!

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