Breathe.... something, perhaps that is taken for granted.
You breathe in, you breathe out, without much thought, if really none at all.
Then one day you have to "think" to breathe. It's frightening really.
Breathe in, breathe out, don't gag, don't choke, please airway stay open...
one more time and I can rest, my lungs can feel right
Sleep..... can be scary. Awoken to the gasping for air because the
lungs don't want to work or are so restricted and tight it's like gasping
for air underwater.... doesn't work too well.
So I sit propped up, wondering will my lungs clear and relax? Will the
act of breathing be that of not much thought? Just something the body does
without struggle?
Be gentle to yourself, listen to your body, it speaks to you, lets you know
when it's stressed or trying to fight an infection......... find time to rest and take care.
This writer, for now, is thankful for modern medicine, nurses and MD's that are
helping me to breathe... my prayer and hope is soon it will be mindless and
not a struggle.
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in breathe out.... soon it will all be carefree.