I ask myself what did I do with "this Day"?
Did I make a difference? Did I help another? Did I nourish a soul? Did I nourish myself?
What did I do with "this Day"?
Life's unexpected twists and turns this past year and half have basically thrown me into a mode of "questioning". Questioning day-to-day actions, questioning the journey. Oh, how it is so human to question, when in reality it is not for us to question or to understand, for it is truly in God's hands, and in His hands we must trust.
This evening I sit listening to the pitter patter of the rain. Listening to the flute playing in the background, and listening to the click-clack-click of the keyboard keys. Feeling a need to, a call to action, but what is that action?
I will sit in silence this eve and wait in wonder and anticipation to hear, and to perhaps have a clearer feeling as to what that action my be.
Perhaps rather than ask myself "What did I do this day?", perhaps I should wait in anticipation for the directions of what to do next, not to question, but to listen whole-heartily, and then act.
Blessings to you my family and friends.