Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The night sounds vary day to day
Most nights I sleep, others I stay awake

The sound of traffic can be a constant thrum
A cars drive by, I hear it first, the boom-box
thumping and screaming "I am here"

Sirens wail, I almost ignore, for they almost
seem constant, if you don't sleep or ignore.

First they are distant, then they come close, zooming
past, a high speed, how many makes that.

Soon the 'copter is high up above, swirling around
no sleep real soon. I listen intently, yeah it's a chase
sounds like they're zipping all over the place

I say a prayer that all will end safe, I close my eyes
and try to find a heavenly place. Fading to sleep
it's the last thing I hear, sirens and 'copter blades
coming back near.

I pray again, for sleep and for rest, but mostly for
safety for my family's little nest.

Yawn...... finally I sleep

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