Monday, July 19, 2010


Sometimes it feels as if I am standing still.
No forward progress, what am I afraid of
Why am I still here, in this space in time

Sometimes it feels as if I am all alone.
Surrounded by family and friends.

Sometimes I want to just cry.
For no reason, but to cry, for longings I have
Though they never seem to be

Sometimes I want to laugh
At the craziness of it all
Life, one can muse it really can
be a circus at times

Sometimes I want to fly
Soar, higher and higher,
Fly in the wind, feel the wind carry me

Sometimes I want to be held,
To not feel alone, to not close my eyes
at night and wonder how it feels to
be 80 and alone, alone in the dark of ones house

Sometimes I want to hear someone
say "I love you, with all my heart"
"You are the world to me" "I want to
spend my life with you" and mean it,
then to do it

Sometimes I want nothing more than
silence, quiet time away, peace, calm, softness

Sometimes I want to be wild
Let it all go, have fun, let my ambitions fly

And sometimes I just wonder, why I
sometimes want...

Cuz the fact of the matter is I am
where the good Lord wants me to be....
and he hears and knows my "sometimes want"