Friday, June 25, 2010

Abrasive flow

Snap of static electricity
Filling the streets
Energy abuzz, movement, unrest

Red ants marching to an unheard tune
scattering forces, unforeseen doom

Tires screeching, licks pavement, abrasive flow
Leave my mark, that's how it goes

Silent peace sits near, not for
Begging mercy, sobs at the scars

Turn it off, and one can see,
such movement doesn't really
have to be
It's been a long time since I've blogged, but this one just came to me. I suppose it is in light of many headlines that are in our local area news, however, when I first began feeling/writing it, it was more toward my part of the hood. I find it interesting how things come to me, I am beginning to not question them and just go with the flow. I really need to write more.