Friday, March 12, 2010

Long time no write...

It's been a long time since I've written. Mostly by choice, and secondly... let's be honest here... I simply have not had the energy or anything that I've felt I wanted to blog about. So why am I writing today? I don't know.

Today is a day of reflection and rest for me. To put it bluntly I scheduled this day off a long time ago and I'm glad I did - I really need the down time, the time to be alone, a time to reflect.

It's been a good day thus far. Visited Dad, lunch with sister, the errand I needed to run can't happen because it's a City Furlough Day (oh well...not meant to be)... and now I am alone, here in front of the computer typing. Listening to the thrum of the CPU and the clicking of the keys. Cars drive by outside.... where is everyone headed to?

I have photos of Mom I'm going through. At times I smile really big, and sometimes I feel a tear coming on. Mostly I feel like it's still not real... as if my Mother is just on a really really long trip or something and she'll be back. She will be back. I know, however she will not.

She is enjoying eternal life with our Lord Jesus Christ. What a glorious place to be. To want her back would be selfish.... now I wait. I wait for the day all of the family will be reunited again. That makes me smile.

With that I am going to end this rather aimless blog, and just enjoy being quiet and still with absolutely nothing to do but think, perhaps meditate and give thanks for the Blessings in my life.

Until I write again.... be Blessed.

Barney (aka Patty)