Saturday, March 20, 2010

B I C Y C L E, B I C Y C L E, ....

I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike, ..... Queen. Can you hear the tune?

Well, I haven't, I must confess, rode a bike in ... well quite a long time. It's been at least 4 years or greater! So finally, after the poor things have collected dust, tires gone flat, fixed, gone flat again, and a bit of rust here and there, we decided to get them properly cleaned, tuned, and given a once good over.

Today we pick up the bikes, purchase 2 helmets (which by the way are waaaaay better than any helmet I've ever owned... guess you get that when you go to a bike shop)... anyhow, we ride the bikes home (about 1.5 - to 2.0 miles). Oh boy... talk about out of shape. My legs were actually talking to me. Seriously! This scares the heck out of me. Barely 2 miles and I feel it? And to think I am going to try kick-boxing next week? Hmmmmmmm perhaps I need to rethink that. Perhaps I might not be able to move after all of this.

What it does tell me is that I've been too sedentary for too long. Life is busy, yes. Work is busy, yes. There is always an endless amount of chores to do, yes. However, as my beautiful niece shared with me the other night.... "you know, you just have to schedule exercise in to your day". Brilliant! Really Brilliant! Now the trick is to "KEEP" that "APPOINTMENT of exercise".

I vow to try. Tomorrow a hike trip is planned, and I'm certain that will be enjoyable. Perhaps even later today another small bike trip (don't want to overdo it all at once).

The weather is great, it calls to us outdoorsy type of folk. I guess the weeds can still be pulled, it's just I'll be sure to leave 20-30 minutes for good 'ole outdoor exercise... and in time, it won't feel like exercise at all but it will rather be quite fun!