Thursday, May 28, 2009


Life has been different for me this year. Evolving perhaps, I don't know. Difficult at times? A definite yes. Easier at times? A definite sometimes. A year that is only in it's 5th month has brought this blogger to ponder things to extremes. Tonight, as in the past few nights, I ponder "boundaries"

When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life...... simple statement eh? It's called boundaries.

By definition - (googled this)

1. Something that indicates a border or limit.
2. The border or limit so indicated.

Seems straight forward, and pretty clear. Yet when it comes to our own lives, and the lives of others boundaries can get blurred. What is okay, what is not okay.. and sometimes when one oversteps.. it's simply no longer a boundary but a control issue.

What is ours to own? What is ours to let go? What is none of our business? How does one set healthy boundaries, how does one learn to let it go. These are things I keep in mind. When I find myself wondering about something I stop and think to myself, have I set up healthy boundaries? Am I overstepping a boundary. Basically is it my business (my work, my home, etc). If it's not... then that's a quick let it go.

I don't claim to know what is okay boundary wise for this person or that. What I do know is that when one sets healthy boundaries, and let's things go, they will have peace. To control is to be out of control.

Draw the line, a healhty line, stick to it, and all will be well.