Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Okay, deep breath, I'm not that technical to those of you that I said "Hey visit my Blog"... and if you went there it was gone. Call it a Technical Difficulty - one I'd like to say was the computer, but alas I cannot tell a lie... user error! Yikes, did I say that? User Error. Well you know Barney is new to all of this. I digress...

This morning I awoke with a very "grumpy" person (that person being myself).... call it lack of good sleep, not enough Jo, Java, coffee etc in my system yet, yada, yada, yada.... However.... I could not get the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by musician Bobby McFerrin out of my head. Ever heard of that song? I'm sure you have. So I thought, you know, life is good. Immediately something came to mind that one of my siblings shared with me just yesterday (intuitive and incredibly on time this one is). "If you find yourself worrying about someone or something just say a prayer!". How incredibly easy is that? I'd like to think that we all know the power of prayer, and for any non-believers I pray for you too. I must conclude that saying a prayer is the best approach. For "worriers" (unlike myself, yeah right - no jabs here from others), just say a little prayer. That person, or situation receives the blessing of that prayer from something greater and more powerful then ourself. And guess what!? The "worrier" (you know what's in it for me - sorry could not resist Corporate brainwash through the years), anyhow, the "worrier" gets the benefit of saying that prayer and knowing that person or situation is receiving.

In short, I think that "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is really saying "say a prayer"... let it go, release it, and you'll realize that "hey, life is Good"

1 comment:

Deanne said...

Well done! I can't think of a better interpretation put into action.

Love ya,