Monday, March 17, 2008

Lifes Transformations

I remember the day as if it were yesterday, July 26, 2003. Although it wasn't Spring, it was indeed a time of transformation, like the Seasons, a time to reflect, a time of realization.... a time to prune, a time to grow, a time to trust, a time to have Faith.

What came to me that day, July 26, 2003, were words that came to me simply as I put pen to paper. Oh for those of you that write you know what I mean when I say it's a powerful thing to put pen to paper and let your creative self just flow, no rules, no guidelines... just let it go.

This morning I was thinking (something I do often)... thinking we are merely days away from Spring, and as quickly as that thought came this paticular writing flashed in to my mind as if it were a movie close-up. One can interpret that the below writing is about the different seasons mother nature shows us, however, when the writing came to me it was more about the transformation of self.


Time is passing by so quickly
A warp between time
The heart of summer is upon us
Melting what's cold, warming the senses
Fall is knocking on the door
A time when nature's in transition, showing off her beauty
All in God's Glory

So with this thought this day I leave you with a thought to ponder... a thought about life. Think of a garden - how it's tended, cared for. The trees the bushes the shubery are constantly pruned and cared for. Each year they continue to grow and transform beautifully, even more so than the year past. How magnificently wonderful would that be if we all were to treat ourselves and each other in this way.

Oh don't be afraid to shine, to prune yourself where you need pruning, and to grow in Faith and self more than the year before. You may just find that your inner self is bursting with color... if only given the chance.

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